Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An Early Twilight Christmas

This will be my last post before the holidays, I’ve got a meeting tomorrow in Northern Ontario and then I’m heading home to my parents’ house.  That means a solid 8 hours of driving, but the weather forecast is looking good.

I just had to share this early Christmas gift with all my Twilight-y friends; my friend Darda and I went out last night and she presented me with some homemade gingerbread cookies and a mysterious package wrapped in tissue paper.

I unwrapped the tissue paper, and had I not been buckled into my car seat, would’ve fallen out laughing.

newmoon chocolates

New Moon Chocolates!  This is a big deal, since we Canucks don’t have the novelty items that seem to be really big in the U.S.  We have the t-shirts and the gift packs, but we don’t get the movie-themed food that my neighbors to the South do.  Darda was in the States last weekend for a basketball tournament and saw these and brought them north of the border for me.

Here’s what’s even funnier, and what she doesn’t know yet, since I only opened the package now. 

Darda is die hard Team Jacob; and I, as you all know, Team Edward.

Darda felt that Team Jacob is winning since there are two Jacob chocolates and only one Edward chocolate in the window.

When I opened the bag, I found:


One Bella chocolate…








two Jacob chocolates…








Edwardchocolatethree Edward chocolates! Team Edward wins again!!

Now pardon me for thinking this is hysterical, but I’m running on about 2 hrs sleep and I had popcorn for dinner because there’s nothing left in my fridge and I’m going out of town tomorrow.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas with your friends and family and I’ll be popping in every now and then (I’ve got a holiday project to share that me and my sister will be completing…lets hope we don’t mess up Mom and Dad’s new kitchen).

Merry Christmas!

Ciao for now,


What a yummy gift!! Team Edward totally rules!!

I got a bag full and there were no Bella chocolates! Also, the carmel Edwards are by far better than the peanut butter Jacobs, and I am a huge peanut butter and chocolate fan, so that is saying something! Enjoy your treat!

really? there's peanut butter and caramel inside?? they just say 'creme' filled, I was a little scared...now I'm intrigued and I wonder what flavour the Bella chocolate is. I'll keep ya posted!

really? there's peanut butter and caramel inside?? they just say 'creme' filled, I was a little scared...now I'm intrigued and I wonder what flavour the Bella chocolate is. I'll keep ya posted!

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